Friday, April 4, 2008

Last Post

So this will be my last post in this blog. Sad I know, but I'm home so that's nice too! You can get the real emily rather than this cyber version :)

I got home Tuesday evening after an incredibly long flight. I only didnt get one piece of luggage and since I have never lost any I found it slightly funny and was fine with their immediate delivery the next morning! Other than that the trip was pretty uneventful.

These past few days have been days of hanging around, unpacking, and cleaning my room for spring. Sounds pretty boring to you probably but I have been enjoying it immensly as Helen and I are working together and our music is amazing! Yesterday we were girls and went shopping after school and today our friend and other sister is coming up for the weekend. I'm planning on going job hunting this coming week as well as catching up with the kids in boston! we're all pretty excited as its been sooo long since we were all together (beth we'll miss you still)! So on that note there is not much else to say. I am home. I will see most of you soon. I am getting a job ASAP. I don't miss France and I LOVE america! wohooo! okay, well goodbye all and thanks for your prayers and for those of you that actually read this blog all year!

emily r kearns

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