Thursday, March 6, 2008


So this past week has been incredible. We basically got the chance to ski everyday with the group here and this awesome guy Tony whos a really decent skier! So then a day and a half into the week Tony and I are ripping it up in some powder and I jumped onto the trail for a few minutes to hit an ice patch and ended up skiing backwards and biting it hard. I ate some powder! Either way I managed to ski down and ended up going to the mtn doc who told me I had torn a muscle in my right leg and hurt my left knee and was gonna need to stop for 2 full weeks and take some major painkillers. So here I am completly pain killered up listening to this awesome music site i found online. I've discovered this blog for french street bands ( pretty sick really)! Either way the bad part is of course I can't walk much and the group is making sure I bed rest. Also this week has sick powder to play in...think 8 new inches and here I am inside watching. Nice. Not.

Only three and a half weeks left. That's a crazy thought. We're crossing out t's for the coming trip to Albertville to work with Dana's youth group. We're buying out train tix right now and then getting all settled. I can't wait to see everybody!

Other than that kristin's bday is this Sunday as well as our friend Laura's baptism so that should be fun and we have a group too of course!

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