Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Yesterday I went to the store. AWESOME right? Right now your thinking wow she has such a booming social life. Actually this is of some note because one I was getting christmas gifts and two on a spontaneity buy Mike and I got a christmas tree!!!!!! We were about to leave and saw that they were cheap and since my rents had just sent christmas lights we thought well why not? So an hour later there we where in the chalet setting up a tree in a little wood block the french people put them into. We put on lights and then wrapped our doors like Christmas packages like college kids tend to do. In the evening I made paper chains so basically the chalet is decorated and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Tonight we were planning on going to a lighting ceremony in Lyon, but because some of us got the amazing idea to talk till 5 am this morning we have vetoed that idea. Too bad.

In response to a friend here who says my last two posts have been too depressing I wanted to say that no I am not depressed in the least, life is good. I just love song lyrics. the end.

and now back to hanging out with defi on our day off. nice. i walked into the room a minute ago and totally walked into a fort that they had made with the reeves kids. we're not enfants i promise, we just tend to act like that :)

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