Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Annecy with the Ladies

Today was so beautiful here. A perfect fall day. So off we headed to Annecy, a little village about an hour and a half from here. I went with Noelle, Joelle, Lisa and Laetitia all smushed into a little french car. The ride was beautiful, between the clear crystal blue day and the final peak of fall here it couldnt have been a more amazing day for sight seeing. We of course got lost and had to ask for directions...what else is new? We finally got there and spent a few hours just walking around the lake and little village. The lake is absolutly incredible, with the mountains in the background and the leaves littering the ground, the boats, and the golden color of the trees right now. We even paused long enough for Lisa and I to start a most marvelous leaf fight with the others. Sadly for her she was wearing gel in her hair and ended up spending the rest of the day picking leaf particles out of her hair...i think it was worth it! We ate lunch at a petite cafe in the village and had warm chocolate crepes pour dessert....sooo yummy! Plus we got to feed these super cute little birds that were everywhere. Then we did some shopping...I bought tissues haha. They where super cheap so I couldnt pass them up! Plus I thought we could use them eventually! Joelle met up with her friend and we all went for gouter to a little tesan place (tea house) for cafe and pastries. Then I ran into a friend from camp named Diane. I keep doing this. Wherever I go I don't tell anyone I'm going and then I end up running into the only person I know who lives there, in Paris it was Charles and now Diane in Annecy! Guess I'm special like that! We ended the afternoon by a nice walk long the lake again and some singing, plus a carousel we found. Then another car ride where Lisa, Noelle, and I took a lovely little nap, getting home just in time for a warm dinner of quiche, salad, and pumpkin spice muffins from Theresa! I love coming home at the end of a long nice day. It was so nice to come home and have people waiting with dinner and to a warm house and friends. I love that feeling! Alright and I'm already feeling like I'm missing stuff and I've only been typing for a few minutes so it's back to the group pour moi. Salut!

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