Saturday, September 15, 2007

And the Fall season begins...

Well today marks the beginning of the fall season over here. In about an hour 120 people will be arriving as well as 4 more equipiers to work with us this weekend. Jeremy my friend who's a missionary in Africa is coming back to help! Super excited about this one as I havent seen him since July and he's pretty much hilarious. Plus he has the entire new worship cd from hillsong so that also makes me pretty happy! Then sunday night DEFI will begin and students will begin arriving! It's going to be getting pretty busy around here, but it's going to be a nice change of pace after such a calm end of the summer.

Random note: Right now Junior is teaching me how to tune a guitar. I really want to learn how to play...I think I might try and take up this project when I get to BIOLA. After all there must be someone who can teach me at such an artsy school!

Well the mass of people just began arriving so I will finish this post fast. Emmy returns today so we stop cooking for ourselves. Euget, Daniel, and Henri leave today as they finished the kitchen work this morning! So exciting! Yet at the same time it will be sad to say goodbyes all over again. Henri was so cute, he cut each of us a rose for the breakfast table. They smell absolutly incredible...i love roses :)

Well the bigger news of this past week is that Kristin and I where able to get out of the camp for a day on Thursday to visit Lyon and our friend Jonny from camp TED/STEVE. He lives just outside of Lyon and gave us our own personal tour of the city. To get there was quite it's own adventure. For those of you that don't know France uses buses to get everywhere. So early in the morning Kristin and I took the car and drove to the bus stop, caught a bus, took the bus to the train station and caught another bus to Lyon. Then we got to the train station in Lyon and discovered that um yea in France they are a little like our airports and resemble malls. Luckily Jonny found us! We bought tickets for the subway and except for a few mishaps (i.e. jonny getting stuck, jonny getting lost, jonny almost losing his ticket, jonny taking the wrong subway) we had a pleasant trip. Jonny showed us the opera, the river that runs through Lyon, Roman ruins, a Roman museum, and an absolutly amazing church on the hill with a view of the entire city! This church was built by the Catholic community of Lyon to thank the Virgin Mary for saving them from the plauge's that where haunting the area. Basically it was the most incredible church I have ever seen. It was filled with huge stained glass windows and gold leaf and smelled like candles and old polished wood--a great combo--and was so peaceful! Kristin, Jonny, and I took a ton of pictures. Then we toured the grounds and saw some of the gardens. It was pretty because here it is the beginning of Fall and so the leaves are changing and falling. I love the smell of fall, it is going to be so nice to get to go home for a real new england fall with all the colors and smells. I can't wait to hit up Richarsons apple farm and get some of those yummy apple donuts and hot apple cider! Alright back to Lyon... We had lunch overlooking Lyon and ended up just talking for a few hours. It was so nice to just stop, relax, and get to talk about the summer, fall, next summer and just the future. The day ended with us running back to catch our bus, that ended up actually being a train because our tickets where messed up. Luckily the man incharge was super nice and took pity on us and let us go for free! Yea for saving money!

Hope you all are enjoying the beginning of Fall as much as we are! Wish us luck, life is about to get rather hectic around here!

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