Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another normal day at Champfleuri

Well today was perfectly normal over here. This morning we found out the the camp KEVIN was actually going hiking and so we rush made 30 picnics. This meant that all the campers at champfleuri where on hikes allowing us the whole day off. Johnathon, Sam, Lorraine, Kristin and I headed into Froges to go shopping for some groceries. We spent sooo long in the store and came out with all the ingredients for some american dishes--pancakes, omelettes,american chopsuey, and chocolate chip cookies. We then visited sam's family at their amazing house in the hills of Grenoble. His parents have been reconstructing for 10 years and have made a house connected to their own for tourists to rent. It is sooo beautiful and has all the french charm imaginable and yet is modern and new. It was neat to the lifestyle of a real french family. This was the first french household I have ever been inside. Sam's family was sooo nice and have invited us over for dinner in the coming months and if we want even Christmas! haha.

In the afternoon we returned to Champfleuri and made a feast. We had a huge picnic of american chopsuey and cookies and of course bread outside with the most beautiful view of the french alps. Kristin couldnt help but point out the ironic side that here we are eating the most american food and yet sitting with this amazingly french view speaking french! It was such a nice day because we got to relax and take a little walk into the hills. I was also able to finish the new harry potter book and take a nap. I still have a whole lot of sleep to catch up on, but its getting better! We are now basically settled back into life here and the only thing that still manages to throw me off is sharing the attic with all the equipiers. Yes that means guys and girls and yes we share the showers and sinks and bathroom. It can be very funny. Take this morning for example as Eric and Johnathon proceeded to shave in their boxers right in front of us girls and also carried on a conversation about what we should eat for dinner! It has to be one of the funniest culture differences in the world. What christian camp in america would ever allow this one to happen? teheh i love Champfleuri!

I can't help but thinking that today is Beth's departure day for California. I hope that her travels where safe and that shes enjoying and excited about her coming adventures. It's got to be quite a change! How strange to think that this week everyone back home will be packing up and heading off to seperate sides of the country, each to their own unique and different set of adventures that await! I wish u all the best and good luck in your coming year of college! I'll be keeping u all in my thoughts and prayers. I miss u all soooo much and love each and every one of u!


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